Monday, November 7, 2022

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
I managed another tutorial!!!!!
Trying hard to find my mojo fairy before Christmas
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful art work of StellaFelice7
Tube purchased at PFD HERE
PTU Kit by Tiny Turtle Design called Fall Days 
Kit can be purchased at Laura's store HERE
WA of choice 
Geo Mask #1 by Dee HERE

Resize elements to your liking and don't forget the dropshadow

Ok let's get started:
Open canvas 700x700
Open element 20 and paste as new layer to middle
Open element 28 and paste behind element 20
Open tube of choice and paste to right hand side

Use any elements of choice from kit. I used the following:
Element 8
Element 14
Element 25
Element 38
Element 73
Element 83
Element 84
Element 89
Element 90
Element 93
Element 95
Element 98
Element 108

Merge layers and open any paper from kit
Apply mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on November 7,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

Monday, October 10, 2022

This is the FIRST tutorial I have been able to write in
well over a month. Been busy and no energy. I was looking
for that inspiration. TYSM Kathy for sending me this
amazing kit yesterday. I feel I got some mojo back!!!!!!

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Attila
Tube was purchased at EleganceFly Store HERE
PTU Kit by Kathy's PSP Designs called Haunting
Kit can be purchased at PFD HERE
Check out Kathy's blog for other goodies HERE
Halloween mask from Zombie Graphics HERE

Ok Lets get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 19 and place to left of canvas
Open tube and place in front of house to right

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 1
Element 7
Element 15
Element 16
Element 17
Element 24
Element 25
Element 26
Element 46
Element 47
Element 58
Element 61
Element 71
Element 87

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on October 10,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Sheena Pike
Tubes was purchased at CDO HERE
PTU Scrapkit by Bella Caribena called Feeling So Magic
Kit can be purchased at her store HERE
WA from Penny at Venomous Cherries Creations HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open canvas 700x700
Open element 147, resize and place to right corner
Open element 141 and place to left corner
Open element 61, resize and place to left corner in front of wall
Open element 67 and place to right side
Apply your tubes to tag (I waited to the end)

Save your tag as PSP so you can use later
Start building your tag with other elements from kit
I used the following:
Elements 15
Elements 44
Elements 50
Elements 52
Elements 60
Elements 97
Elements 113

Apply WA to tag
I used 3 of the artists tubes and 1 from kit

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 26,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Misticheskaya
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
FTU embellishments & clusters by Moon Vixen Designs HERE
Mask #7&8 from Rachey at Scraps of Enchantment HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open cluster 2 from pack
Duplicate and resize to fit your tag (I like my tags 700x700)
Add new rater layer under cluster and fill with white
Open embellishment 2 and place to left side of tag
Resize to fit cluster and erase any leftovers
Using embellishment 2 apply behind frame layer
Again, erase any leftovers you may have
I used the bees layer from my tube and applied to tag
Apply your tube to tag

Save your tag and label so you can find later
I have started leaving my layers open

For mask open embellishment 3 and apply behind tag
Using Mura Meister wallpaper filter create a paper
Duplicate paper so you can use again
Apply mask #7 and move to top left
Duplicate and move to bottom right
Apply mask #8 and move to top right corner
Duplicate and move to bottom left corner

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 19,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Monday, July 18, 2022

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Stella Felice
Tube was included in kit when purchased
PTU Scrapkit by Savage Dezines called BeeYoutiful Day
Kit purchased at Scraps N Company HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open 700x700 canvas
Add tube to canvas and build around it
Use following elements to make circle frame behind tube
Use Mura Meister Encircle Filter for frames
Element 14
Frame 1
Frame 3
Frame 2

Continue using elements from kit to complete tag
I used the following:
Element 2
Element 3
Element 6
Element 7
Element 11
Element 12
Element 15
Element 16
Element 23
Element 33
Element 39
Element 49
Element 57
Element 58
Element 61
Element 95
Element 101

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 18,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Saturday, July 16, 2022

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Misticheskaya
Exclusive tube purchased at PFD HERE
FTU cluster frame by Linda at My Tagging Addiction HERE
WA by Unique Styles HERE
Mask - I used 2 different styles with 2 different textures
Sorry I already had both and can't remember whre I got them from

Ok Let's get Started:
Open cluster, duplicate and close original
I resized my frame 115%
Click inside frames and expand by 20
Open texture (whatever you use) and paste as new layer
Selections invert delete
Add close up of tubes inside each frame
Selections invert delete
Apply Xero Radiance and Porcelain with settings of choice
Change blend mode to burn (modify your tag to match your background)
Apply full tube to tag
Add Xero Radiance
Open WA and use papers, gradients,textures to decorate
I added gradient glow to mine
Place WA to tag

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 16,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Saturday, July 9, 2022
This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of VeryMany
Tube purchased at their store HERE
FTU kit by Designz by Shelly HERE
Mask #12 PSP Masks by Ginny HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open frame 7, resize and place to center
Click inside frame with magic wand and expand by 10
Open new layer under frame and paste paper of choice into selection
Open element 54, resize 34% and place on paper just above the wave
Change blend mode to overlay
Open element 52, resize around 36%, place on paper right at wave 
Change blend mode to screen
Add tube to center of frame

Start building your tag with other elements from kit
I used the following:
Element 8
Element 15
Element 27
Element 28
Element 37
Element 38
Element 50
Element 55
Element 57
Element 95
Element 100
Element 103
Element 107
Element 113
**For the Sea WA change blend mode to Luminance Legacy**

Merge layers and add mask
I used 2 different papers with same mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 9,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Monday, July 4, 2022

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Cuddly Rigor Mortis
Tube purchased at CDO HERE
PTU kit by Ladyhawwk Designs to match tube
Kit can be purchased at CDO HERE
WA from Venomous Cherries Creations HERE
Mask #7 by Rachey from Scraps of Enchantment HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 5 and place to center
Open elements 3,6,14,23 & place behind the floral design
Add tube to left hand side of tag

Start building your tag with other elements from kit
I used the following:
Element 2
Element 7
Element 9
Element 10
Element 12
Element 13
Element 15
Element 16
Element 18
Element 20
Element 25
Element 26
Element 27
Element 29

Add WA and decorate to your style
Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 4,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of VeryMany
Tube was purchased at their store HERE
FTU to use cluster from Sonja's Sazzy World HERE 
WA from Venomous Cherries Creations HERE
Mask #754 from Rachels Designs HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open cluster, duplicate and close original
Resize if needed
Duplicate frame again and send to bottom
Using Mura's Meister Wallpaper filter & apply 
Open tube of choice and place on canvas
Duplicate mask and move up in front of duplicate tube
I resized mine by 85% to fit my tag
Open WA and place where you want
You have a created an awesome tag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on July 4,2022 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

Grab My Blinkie


About Me

Hello friends and welcome to my blog!!! My name is Rhonda and I live in South East Ga., little town called Lumber City. I have 2 sons, 2 DIL's and 3 grandchildren. I work in healthcare as an RN.

When not working, I enjoy playing in PSP. It has been my passion over 20 years. PSP is relaxing and takes my mind away from troubles of life. I enjoy writing tutorials on my downtime.

I am expanding my creations to frames, clusters, templates and hopefully masks. I have NEVER made a mask but I have the time to learn now and I am excited. These will be FTU, all I ask is please download from the blog and if you are in a group or forum please send others to my blog and DO NOT HOTLINK. I would love to see your creations and show them off.

If you need to contact me with any questions concerning my tutorials or creations, send me an email. I am aware some of my older tutorials have links that are no longer working due to designers closing their blog. This is beyond my control. I am unable to share anything which was not shareable before. I honor all designers TOU.

I CT For

I don't CT that much any longer but these are designers who allow me to use their kits as show-off's.


All tutorials that are on my blog have been written by me. Any resemblance to another tag or tutorial is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and claim as your own. You are welcome to use these tutorials in any groups or forums but please link back to my blog. I would love to see any tag that is made using my tutorial. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at

Cluster Frames are Personal Use ONLY!!!! Please do not claim them as your own or rip them apart. You are welcome to use in forums or groups but please link back to blog. My TOU are included in the downloads. I would love to see any creations you make with my tuts or other creations. Send them to me and I will display them.

My goal for this blog is to make creations others can use and enjoy. I want to focus on being positive through difficult times. Show importance of accepting others, no judging, just respect. Showing kindness to others can change another's life, even for a brief time
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