Friday, December 31, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of VeryMany
Tube was purchased at their store HERE
PTU kit by Tiny Turtle Design called New Year Night
Scrapkit can be purchased at her store HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open canvas 700x700
Open element 6 and place to left side
Duplicate and place to right
Open element 67 and place to center but move up a little
Duplicate and move down
Place where you want in tag
Open tube and place to center

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 11
Element 34
Element 36
Element 46
Element 50
Element 53
Element 54
Element 55
Element 58
Element 59
Element 60
Element 61
Element 62
Element 63
Element 64
Element 76
Element 79
Element 81
Element 82
Element 95
Element 121
Element 151
Element 168

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 31,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Thursday, December 30, 2021

My MOJO left with Santa I think
I sit down and open a kit, my mind goes blank
Hoping the New Yeat will bring it back

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Zlata_M
Tube was purchased at her store HERE
PTU kit by Pandi Designs called Winter Sparkle
Scrapkit can be purchased at Elegant Fly HERE
WA by Thia at Creative Misfits Creations HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open canvas 700x700
Open 16 and place to center
Open element 25 and place to right
Open element 60, place behind frame to left
Open element 128 and place behind frame to right
Open tube and place to far right

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 32
Element 34
Element 37
Element 38
Element 39
Element 40
Element 42
Element 77
Element 103
Element 121
Element 122
Element 123
Element 125
Element 126

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 30,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Sunday, December 26, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Fiodorova Maria
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
PTU kit by TagCatz Designs called Midnight Kiss
Scrapkit can be purchased at PFD HERE
WA by Sandy at Creative Misfits Creations HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open canvas 700x700
Open element 49 and resize around 35%
Using MuRa's Meister Encircle filter create a frame
Open element 33 and place to center
Open tube and place to far right

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 3
Element 6
Element 10
Element 13
Element 18
Element 27
Element 31
Element 32
Element 37
Element 54
Element 58
Element 59
Element 73
Element 99
Element 100
Element 102
Element 112
Element 113
Element 115
Element 125

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 26,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

I would love to show off your tutorial on my blog
I know they are being used and I appreciate it very much
Send to my email and I'll post!!!!!!!!!!

My best friend forever made this beautiful forum set using a tutorial
TYSM Tika. Love you always!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dear friend Lavada who I hope to meet one day always
gives my tutorials a try and advise. TYSM Lavada
She lives about 100 miles from me so we plan
on meeting maybe next year

Another precious friend Sharon (goes by Shaz in forums) tried a tutorial
during our HH Hoppla Party. TY Shaz


Sunday, December 19, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Nocturne
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
FTU kit by PinkParadox Productions called Santa's Helper
Kit can be downloaded at Wicked Diabla Designs HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 70 and place to center
Using Mura's Meister Encircle filter create a frame
Open frame 1 and position to top
Duplicate first frame and place behind striped frame
Duplicate again and mirror
Open tube and place on canvas

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 1
Element 6
Element 11
Element 14
Element 15
Element 16
Element 19
Element 26
Element 31
Element 32
Element 36
Element 40
Element 41
Element 46
Element 81
Element 90

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 19,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Alex Prihodko
Tube was purchased at VM Artists HERE
PTU kit by Wicked Princess Scraps called Reindeer Games
Kit was purchased at her store HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open Frame 3 and place to center
Open Tree1 and place to left hand side of canvas
Open tube and place to canvas

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Bag 1,2&4
Cluster 1,2&3
Cookie 3
Frame 13
Gift 1,6,7.&8
Glass 2
Log Sign 2
Snowflake 5

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 19,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of VeryMany
Tube was purchased at their store HERE
PTU kit by Luscious Ladee called Christmas Eve
Kit can be purchased at Daelmans Designs HERE
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 70 and place to upper left
Duplicate and position to lower right
Open element 8 and position to center
Open element 1 and place to left side
Open tube and to center
Duplicate element 1 and place in front of tube
(You just want to bottom showing)

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 4
Element 10
Element 12
Element 13
Element 15
Element 16
Element 17
Element 20
Element 26
Element 29
Element 36
Element 41
Element 46
Element 58
Element 61
Element 73
Element 76
Element 85

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 19,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the exclusive artwork of 9tendo
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
PTU by All Dolled Up called Resolutions
Kit can be purchased at PFD HERE
Template by Chasing After Creativity HERE
Mask of choice

This tag was inspired by Pammers during our Dirty Santa game at TTL
My challenge was to use the template and create a New Year's tag
I really had to use my thinking on this challenge
I scraped several tags before coming up with this
TY Pammers for a great challenge and pushing
me out of my comfort zone

Ok Let's get Started:
Open template, Shift D to duplicate and close original
This is a big template so I resized to 700x700 first
I deleted the numbers from mine
Decorate your template to your liking
I moved my layers around
When I got my template decorated, I merged all my layers to 1
I resized my template again to fit my tube
Open tube and position to top of template

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 85
Element 86
Element 115
Element 117
Element 119
Element 125
Element 135

Christmas tree on tag was used from tube

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 19,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Zlata_M
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
FTU Cluster by Sonja at TTL Blog HERE
Mask of choice

This tag was inspired by a challenge by Lavada at TTL
during our Dirty Santa at HH Party
My challenge was to create a New Year's tag using
only black, gold and silver. Also had to include a clock
TY Lavada

Ok Let's get Started:
Open back cluster I have provided and place to center
Use your imagination and create one of your choice
Open cluster, Shift D to duplicate and close original
Place cluster to center
Open element 111 and place to center
Open element 147 and place to upper right
Open tube of choice and position

Use any other elements of choice from kit

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 19,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Thursday, December 16, 2021
This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Sheena Pike
Tube was purchased at CDO HERE
FTU kit by Ponytails Designs HERE
Mask of choice

This tag was inspired by a challenge from Lisa at TTL
during the Dirty Santa Challenges
My challenge was to use the FTU kit, make a 2 piece set
Make tags for 3 non-tggers
TY Lisa

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open tube and position to center
Open foliage and create circle frame using Mura's Meister filter
Open snowflake & banner and make circle frame with filter
Duplicate tube and move slightly to right
I wanted a little of the candy to show then erased other parts
Use my tag as example

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Gift 1
Gift 2
Mr & Ms Claus
Ornaments 1,2 &3
Party Hat

Merge layers and add mask

I used a gift to make the avatar
Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 16,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
PTU kit by A Lil Mz Brainstorm called Christmas in July
Kit can be purchased at PFD HERE
Everything in tag came from kit
Mask of choice

This tag was inspired by a challenge by Kitt at TTL
We are playing Dirty Santa and having so much fun!!!!!
My challenge was to create a Christmas on the Beach tag
Kitt lives in Florida so had to be palm trees!!!!
TY again Kitt!!!!!!!!

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 55 and place to left
Open element 22 and place to right behind chair
Open elements 26,97 and 107 - place behind chair & tree

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 9
Element 18
Element 19
Element 23
Element 24
Element 25
Element 37
Element 43
Element 81
Element 84
Element 91
Element 99
Element 102
Element 119

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 16,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Nocturne
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
PTU by Tammy's Welt called Christmas Holidays
Kit can be purchased at PFD HERE
WA of choice
Mask by iezombia HERE

This tag was inspired by a challenge from Jen at TTL
during the Dirty Santa Challenge
My challenge was to create a Christmas tag
in purple and use the WA she supplied.
I can't share the WA, not sure where it came from
TY Jen for the challenge

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 6 slightly to left
Duplicate x2 and resize around 75%
Position each to both sides of original tree
Open tube and position to right

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 1
Element 2
Element 5
Element 9
Element 14
Element 15
Element 20
Element 21
Element 25
Element 33
Element 43
Element 46
Element 51
Element 55
Element 63
Element 64
Element 74
Element 76
Element 78
Element 83
Element 86
Element 88

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 15,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Alex Prihodko
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
PTU by Tiny Turtles called Hope,Joy,Noel
Kit can be purchased at her store HERE
Template by Vix HERE
Mask by Vix HERE

This tag was inspired by a challenge from Sonja at TTL
We are playing Dirty Santa and having so much fun!!!!!
My challenge was to use the template, WA and tube
had to be a male.
Haven't worked with a template is a while so
I tried to leave as much open on the template.
TY again Sonja

Ok Let's get Started:
Open template, shift D to duplicate and close original
I resized my canvas to 700x700
I deleted the WA and dotted circles
Fill layers with papers of choice
On the white areas I added noise
Open tube and position to middle of frame

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 12
Element 13
Element 17
Element 29
Element 31
Element 46
Element 52
Element 56
Element 61
Element 79
Element 84
Element 108
Element 120
Element 127
Element 149
Element 160
Element 161
Element 189

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 15,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
FTU by Frenchie Lover Design HERE
Mask #4 by Dee HERE

This tutorial was inspired by a challenge from Norma during our HH party
Instructions was to use a scrapkit only!!!!

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 1 and place near left side of canvas
Open element 23 and start placing to back
Open element 8 and do the same, placing where desired

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 2
Element 4
Element 6
Element 10
Element 12
Element 13
Element 17
Element 18
Element 22
Element 26
Element 27
Element 29
Element 37
Element 38
Element 40
Element 45
Element 46
Element 48
Element 50
Element 51
Element 53

Merge layers and add mask
I used 2 different papers and resized mask on top

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 14,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Zlata_M
Tube was purchased at PFD HERE
FTU by Jen's Sweet Temptations HERE
WA by MizTeeques HERE
Mask #234 by Tee HERE
Mask #5 by Allison's Addiction HERE

I made a cluster for this tag below

Ok Let's get Started:
Open cluster frame, shift D to duplicate and close original
Open paper of choice und place under frame (I used 6)
Apply mask by Tee
Open tube and position to middle of frame

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 2
Element 3
Element 6
Element 7
Element 8
Element 10
Element 15
Element 17
Element 24
Element 26
Element 29
Element 30

Open WA, resize
I used a background which I can't share but use your imagination

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 14,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

Sunday, December 12, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of VeryMany
Tube was purchased at their store HERE
PTU by Tiny Turtle Design called Toasty Winter
Kit can be purchased at her store HERE
Mask by Kathy's PSP Designs HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open element 61 and resize 120%
Open element 63, resize 70% and scatter around edges
Open element 56 and resize 116%
Open tube and position to right of frame

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 1
Element 2
Element 11
Element 26
Element 29
Element 51
Element 52
Element 58
Element 72
Element 77
Element 79
Element 122
Element 132
Element 145
Element 146
Element 153
Element 159
Element 177

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 12,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

I didn't write a tutorial for this one
Just made a sample tag of how cluster could be used
Cluster was made from our Holly Jolly Collab kit which 
can be purchased at our shoppe with loot earned
This is a beautiful kit!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to see any creations made please
Forums are welcome to use but please direct to
my blog for downloads

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Zlata_M
Tube was purchased at her store HERE
FTU Cluster by me HERE
PTU kit by Purple Dreams Scrap called Letter to Santa
Kit can be purchased at PFD HERE
WA at Artistic Tag Passions HERE
Mask #826 by Rachel Designs HERE

Ok Let's get Started:
Open cluster frame - Shift D to duplicate and close original
With freehand tool draw around frame
Add new layer under frame and paste paper of choice
Open tube and position in frame
Add WA to your tag
Add any other elements from kit if desired

Add mask of choice

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 12,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I'm using the wonderful artwork of Goldwasser
Tube was included in kit
PTU Kit by Kathy's PSP Designs called Blushing Christmas
Kit can be purchased at one of her stores HERE
Check out her blog while there
She has lots of masks and FTU kits
Mask of choice

Ok Let's get Started:
Open blank canvas 700x700
Open elements 5 and place to center
Open element 35 and place to right and left of tag
Open element 11 and place near center more to left
Open tube and position close to tree

Use any elements of choice. I used the following:
Element 2
Element 9
Element 12
Element 13
Element 14
Element 15
Element 16
Element 20
Element 26
Element 27
Element 28
Element 31
Element 40
Element 41
Element 44
Element 79

Merge layers and add mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on December 12,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

Grab My Blinkie


About Me

Hello friends and welcome to my blog!!! My name is Rhonda and I live in South East Ga., little town called Lumber City. I have 2 sons, 2 DIL's and 3 grandchildren. I work in healthcare as an RN.

When not working, I enjoy playing in PSP. It has been my passion over 20 years. PSP is relaxing and takes my mind away from troubles of life. I enjoy writing tutorials on my downtime.

I am expanding my creations to frames, clusters, templates and hopefully masks. I have NEVER made a mask but I have the time to learn now and I am excited. These will be FTU, all I ask is please download from the blog and if you are in a group or forum please send others to my blog and DO NOT HOTLINK. I would love to see your creations and show them off.

If you need to contact me with any questions concerning my tutorials or creations, send me an email. I am aware some of my older tutorials have links that are no longer working due to designers closing their blog. This is beyond my control. I am unable to share anything which was not shareable before. I honor all designers TOU.

I CT For

I don't CT that much any longer but these are designers who allow me to use their kits as show-off's.


All tutorials that are on my blog have been written by me. Any resemblance to another tag or tutorial is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and claim as your own. You are welcome to use these tutorials in any groups or forums but please link back to my blog. I would love to see any tag that is made using my tutorial. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at

Cluster Frames are Personal Use ONLY!!!! Please do not claim them as your own or rip them apart. You are welcome to use in forums or groups but please link back to blog. My TOU are included in the downloads. I would love to see any creations you make with my tuts or other creations. Send them to me and I will display them.

My goal for this blog is to make creations others can use and enjoy. I want to focus on being positive through difficult times. Show importance of accepting others, no judging, just respect. Showing kindness to others can change another's life, even for a brief time
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