Sunday, February 7, 2021

This tutorial is written for those with knowledge of PSP
Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: Included in kit by IKH Designs
PTU Scrapkit from Kathy's PSP Designs called Berrylicious
Kit can be purchased from PFD HERE
Check out her blog for more goodies HERE
Mask of choice

Let's get started:
Open 700x700 canvas
Place tube to center and start building

Use any elements from kit to complete tag
I used the following:
Element 1
Element 2
Element 4
Element 12
Element 15
Element 22
Element 23
Element 28
Element 30
Element 31
Element 33
Element 34
Element 36
Element 37
Element 38
Element 40
Element 47
Element 65
Element 71
Element 83
Element 84
Element 85
Element 86
Element 88
Element 89

Merge your layers
Open paper of choice & apply mask

Place your name where you like it
Add the Copyright and your License Number for the tube
Resize to your liking and save as PNG
This tutorial was created on February 7,2021 by Rhonda
Any resemblance to another Tag or Tutorial is purely coincidental

1 comment:

Grab My Blinkie


About Me

Hello friends and welcome to my blog!!! My name is Rhonda and I live in South East Ga., little town called Lumber City. I have 2 sons, 2 DIL's and 3 grandchildren. I work in healthcare as an RN.

When not working, I enjoy playing in PSP. It has been my passion over 20 years. PSP is relaxing and takes my mind away from troubles of life. I enjoy writing tutorials on my downtime.

I am expanding my creations to frames, clusters, templates and hopefully masks. I have NEVER made a mask but I have the time to learn now and I am excited. These will be FTU, all I ask is please download from the blog and if you are in a group or forum please send others to my blog and DO NOT HOTLINK. I would love to see your creations and show them off.

If you need to contact me with any questions concerning my tutorials or creations, send me an email. I am aware some of my older tutorials have links that are no longer working due to designers closing their blog. This is beyond my control. I am unable to share anything which was not shareable before. I honor all designers TOU.

I CT For

I don't CT that much any longer but these are designers who allow me to use their kits as show-off's.


All tutorials that are on my blog have been written by me. Any resemblance to another tag or tutorial is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and claim as your own. You are welcome to use these tutorials in any groups or forums but please link back to my blog. I would love to see any tag that is made using my tutorial. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at

Cluster Frames are Personal Use ONLY!!!! Please do not claim them as your own or rip them apart. You are welcome to use in forums or groups but please link back to blog. My TOU are included in the downloads. I would love to see any creations you make with my tuts or other creations. Send them to me and I will display them.

My goal for this blog is to make creations others can use and enjoy. I want to focus on being positive through difficult times. Show importance of accepting others, no judging, just respect. Showing kindness to others can change another's life, even for a brief time
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